Thursday, February 14, 2013

Weekly Weigh-in Day!!!! and the Ice-Cream temptation

Well today is my weekly weigh in. I really wanted to lose at least 5 pounds and be in the 250's this week. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it...... but.......
Sorry for the toenail... I don't have any nail polish remover :)

I DID IT!!!!!!!! I actually lost 7 pounds!!! Well almost 7 pounds, if you take out the .6, which of course, I do :) I'm so happy about that. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I've ran a total of 8 miles since my last weigh in... and for the most part, I've stayed within my calorie range!!! I really hope that this continues. I really hope that I can be under 200 by June (for the CRUISE!!!!!!!) Either way... this was an exciting moment!

Wednesday's are always a rush for me. I rush to get home from work, I rush to get dinner ready, and I rush to get Isabella to children's church. Last night was no different.. it was more rushed because Bella and I were making Valentine's gifts. So after dinner, I threw on my running clothes with no intention to run while Bella was at church. In fact, on the 15 minutes it took to drive her to church, I was thinking the whole time that instead of going to run (which I SO didn't want to do), I decided I would go to Sonic, get a banana split (something I used to eat all the time) and sit in my car and eat it. I had convinced myself to do that. I had justified it and was sure it was what I was going to do. Once I dropped Bella off, I headed towards Sonic, but then it was just like it hit me.... I HAD TO RUN. So I decided I would run, then go get ice cream after the run. So I ran in my Mom's neighborhood. It was colder than I realized and slightly hard to breathe. I also need new headphones... the little iPhone headphones keep falling out of my ears. Anyways... I had a really good run. 

I would've done 3 miles, but I ran out of time and had to go get Bella. And GUESS WHAT!!!?!?! By the time I was done running... I had ZERO desire for ice cream!!!!! YAY!  So I didn't ruin my calorie count and I overcame the temptation/addiction. I did hurry home to watch my guilty pleasure, American Idol :) I also rewarded myself with a whole grain english muffin with 1 tbs of natural peanut butter and a handful of chocolate chips. Tasted WAY BETTER than the ice cream, and was WAY LESS calories!!!!
Of course, Isabella wanted them, and I didn't want to share. So, we compromised and I gave her a spoonful of peanut butter to lick. She was happy :)
Today is VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to give Isabella her gifts today! She goes to Mother's Day out, and she's excited to give her Valentine gifts to the kids there. She's so sweet. She also was excited to give her cousin Brook and her grandparents their gifts too :) I doubt Paul and I will do anything special tonight.. we have the kids. I plan on cooking (I don't really every look forward to cooking). BUT I don't have to work tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! So that's the best part!!!! :) Happy Valentine's Everyone! Here's a little morning pic of both my kids on Valentine's Day :)

OH and I almost forgot... As soon as I got to school, one of my students gave me a Valentine :) It's chocolates (TORTURE for someone trying not to eat stuff like that). You can have 3 for 130 calories so that's not terrible. I may give it to someone else though, so that I don't give in to the temptation of over eating. It was sweet of one of my students to think of me though! 

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