Thursday, February 21, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In and Kidney Infections

This has been my WORST WEEK so far as far as running and healthy eating/staying under my calories goes.   :( I had been doing really good with my eating, and staying in my calorie range, but I've been SICK... really sick... and very busy, which means I ate out way more than I should. More on that in a little bit. Since I've had JD, I've had 4 kidney infections, and 3 bladder infections. (all diagnosed by a doctor). It SUCKS. It hurts really bad... both in the bladder area and in the kidney area. When the pain starts, I get panicky because I know what's coming. I know I shouldn't get that way, but I can't help it. It's SO FRUSTRATING. I don't know what's causing them. I thought it was artificial sweetener, but about 3 months ago, I took that out of my diet... and yesterday I just got treated again for a kidney infection that I had been fighting off for 2 weeks. :( It's also not the new eating/working out. These were happening back in September/October, before I started all of this. FINALLY THOUGH... I've had enough infections in a short period of time that they've referred me to a specialist! Tomorrow I have an ultrasound of my kidney to hopefully figure out what's going on. I'm not even that nervous because 1) you can live with only 1 kidney LOL and 2) I'd rather figure out what's wrong then keep getting so sick and having to get REALLY PAINFUL SHOTS. 

So this was my day yesterday.....

Once I finally was able to go to the doctor it was SO MUCH BETTER. They've been treating me enough for these that they know that oral antibiotics just make me throw up (literally). So I got one very large Rocephin shot, and a very painful strong painkiller shot (for the kidney pain). And this (the picture above) was pretty much how I looked afterwards too (so sleepy)... except my makeup wasn't still as pretty haha

ANYWAYS, I ran Thursday, Saturday, and Monday since my last weigh-in. 3 days isn't terrible.. but I didn't get in 3 miles on any of those runs. I really need to start pushing myself to get from mile 2 to mile 3 and just finish it! I did get to run outside 2 of those 3 times, so that was nice. I decided I don't have to push myself to do weights right now... I think running is definitely making my entire body sore. I would have ran last night... Wednesday is normally my easiest time to run, but I was still so sick, sore, and tired. I plan on running tonight... maybe if Paul comes home early I can do it outside and get in the full 3 miles!

OK, so WEEKLY WEIGH-IN!!!! I have actually lost almost 5 pounds since last Thursday!!!!!!! I'm really starting to wonder if my scale isn't accurate?!

 I did check it with my Mom's scale and she says hers is accurate, but I really expected to gain weight this week! The only reason I can think of that I might have lost this much was that for the last 4 days I have drank enough water to drown myself, trying to get rid of this infection... and the last 2 days, my appetite has been down. So maybe I did lose 5 pounds. I was happy to see that number, and see myself getting SO CLOSE to the 240 range.. I just hope the scale's right. I think after work I'm going to go buy a newer/little nicer one, just so that I can have peace of mind. I know I'm losing weight... that's not the question... I just wonder if I'm actually almost in the 240's. I don't know if that makes sense? Either way, this was WAY BETTER than I expected, and you won't find me complaining about any amount of weightloss ;)

That's my happy face for losing weight instead of gaining. It was also 6:40 AM, so I'm still in my morning wake up puffiness. ;) The exciting part about this picture for me though... is I CAN SEE MY COLLAR BONE! So silly... but for me.. so exciting!

One last thing... I've been feeling like one of my biggest temptations in regards to going over my calories (besides every sweet imaginable...), is eating out. I, and my family, eat out WAY too much. 2-3 times a week for dinner, and 2-3 times a week for lunch. Most of the time lunch is Subway, so that's not terrible. But dinner is NEVER GOOD.. mostly MEXICAN! It's always been this way because 1) we're busy and out a lot and 2) I don't really enjoy cooking so when Paul suggests going out I'm like DUH OF COURSE! So.. I think lent has already started... and I'm not Catholic, but I've really been thinking about this, and I've decided I'd like set a lofty LOFTY goal for myself.

My Goals:
1. Work out at least 4 times this week (run 3 miles each time)
2. No eating out (lunch, dinner, Subway) until after Easter.

For #2, I understand that sometimes that's going to be really hard... and I'm not going to impose it on my whole family.... but if I'm with them, and they decide to go out, I'm going to just wait until I get home to eat. I know that no matter what I eat at home, it's not going to have nearly as many calories as what I would eat out. I know you're probably thinking, "Why not just make a healthy/good choice when eating out?" Well... because I can't  don't. I probably could.. and sometimes I say I will, but I never do. And as I'm starting to learn (like with the cookie dough I had to throw away), until I can control the urge/temptation to eat what I used to eat and what I love at restaurants, I just need to not go.

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