Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 2: Candy Bars and Extreme Makeover Weightloss DVD

Hello all.... by all, I pretty much mean myself at this point :) I thought yesterday was busy, then today started, and WOW! No comparison. After work today, I had to rush to my Mom's house (she keeps my boys while I'm at work) and nurse Wyatt. Then I had to rush straight to a new school to interview for a Math teaching position for next year. That took an hour longer than I expected, so then I rushed (yes, that is the word of the day) back to my Mom's to pick up my kids and head home. Once I got home, I realized that it was 20 minutes before Paul would be home... and let's face it, he's "STARVING" and expects dinner pretty much immediately as his foot hits the wood floors ;). So I had to RUSH to cook dinner.

I was going to cook chicken casserole, which would have been terrible calories wise, but I didn't have enough time. So instead, I fixed chicken soup. I just threw a lot of things in it, but it actually tasted AMAZING! And the best part is, Paul didn't love it so I have to for lunch the rest of the week. The second best part, it's not very many calories at all!!!!! I had a little "GO KRYSTAL" party after accomplishing everything I did today and making a yummy meal on top of it.

Wyatt is normally VERY fussy during the evening, but tonight he was so tired that he fell asleep at 7:30. YAY! So I decided instead of going to the Rush to run, I would try a workout DVD I have. I didn't want to run because I seem to do better when I take a day or two off. But I was determined to work out. So I set up the tv and DVD player in Wyatt's nursery (he still sleeps in our room). I used the Extreme Makeover Weighloss DVD. 

I really like his personality on the show, so I thought I would probably like the DVD. I also like that he uses some of the people who have lost weight, because 1) I know they used to be overweight and they did it, and 2) some of them are still a little heavy, which is encouraging. Some DVDs I've done in the past, have used such in shape people that it's both intimidating, and the moves they do are impossible. Anyways, there were 3 levels on this DVD. I decided to do level 3, since I've been working out for several weeks. It was HARD, and TIRING! But I completed the ENTIRE workout (about 40 minutes) and didn't cheat on any of it.... well I probably could've done the sit-ups a little higher, but with my large chest and stomach, those are still VERY hard. I loved the work out though, and will try to continue to do it on my off days from running. The best part... Isabella wanted to do it with me, and she did the ENTIRE workout as well! Of course, she can't do all the moves, but she made up her own and we had a great time! She was very into it, and was hilarious to listen to. 

JD even came in and participated sometimes. He liked the squats section and the push-ups. I loved watching him try to do what we were doing.... while eating crackers (of course). That boy is going to turn into a fish cracker before long. 

As far as eating is concerned, I stayed under my calorie count. But I'm really really struggling with candy bars. Here's why... where I work, I sell concessions to our students at lunch. There are an assortment of candy bars that call my name daily. I'm certain that if I stayed under my calorie limit, but did it with things besides candy bars, that I would do WAY better on my weightloss. So that's going to be my goal the next couple of days... .to start cutting back completely on the candy bars. I'm also concerned that my calorie limit is set too high. When I entered in my current weight, height, and what I want to lose, My Fitness Pal calculated how many calories a day I should eat itself, but I think it may be too high. It says I should eat 2,470 a day, which seems way high. I was thinking more between 1,600-1,800. I decided I would give it one week with their numbers and see how much weight I lose, then lower the calorie limit if I need to. Here's my food break down for today.  

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