Thursday, January 31, 2013

This should say "Day 1" because it's like I've started all over

Well the last two weeks have been ridiculous... really the last week. Just absolute crap as far as doing what I should be doing to lose weight. I have eaten terribly! I have binged on candy, Mexican food, and just anything I could put in my mouth, I've put in my mouth. Part of the problem has been that my schedule has been crazy, and I didn't plan my meals well. The other problem has been that I'm just weak-minded and haven't been saying NO to temptations.

I'm a teacher at a small school, and we sell concessions every day. So I have access to free chips, free candy of all sorts, and free diet coke. The Candy is the problem.. REESE'S to be exact. There have been a few days that I've had 2-3 packages of REESE'S a day. It's embarrassing to admit that, but I hope that by admitting it, I can maybe stop the habit. I really hope so! Also, I only worked out I think 4 out of 7 days last week... .there were a lot of excuses for that too... tired, busy, the kids, schedule issues, etc. But last night, I had a talk with myself mentally and reminded myself that it's an hour a day... a MEASLY HOUR! So I got up and worked out last night, even though I'd eaten spaghetti and my stomach was so full and I wanted to watch American Idol.. but I didn't. I also completed Week 5 Day 2 yesterday of C25K! I had a really good workout.. I needed that boost of motivation. I jogged a total of 25 minutes. It's hard to believe that less than a month ago, I couldn't jog a total of 3 minutes without feeling like I was dying...literally DYING.

Today, I've already eaten a Reese's. My excuse.... I didn't have breakfast, so that was my breakfast and a 210 calorie breakfast isn't bad. But that's not a good excuse and tomorrow.. I'm packing breakfast. This last week, I also haven't logged my eating in My Fitness Pal. I think I do better when I do that. We also got paid, so I'm going to go to the grocery today and buy healthier foods again and plan out my meals, like I had been doing the first two weeks.

I know there are setbacks sometimes, and I know that a month in is about the time that I always give up... so I'm determined that this time I'm not giving up a month in. I'm dusting myself off and getting up and eating healthy and working out some more.

My goals this week:
1. Weight 265 at my next weigh in (lose 5 lbs)
2. Work out 6 of 7 days
3. Plan all meals and eat what I plan (stay between 1500 and 1800 calories).
4. Jog 2 miles straight
5. Do better about blogging my progress, and take pictures, finish setting up this blog.
6. Control my urges (especially Sunday... we have a birthday party and a super bowl party to attend).

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I've lost 50 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's official, on my Thursday Weigh Down, I have OFFICIALLY LOST 50 POUNDS! Grant it... probably 40 of those pounds was baby weight, but weight is weight, and I'm claiming it! I'm pretty excited, because there were a couple of days I wasn't sure I lost any weight this week! It's weird how your body feels/is.

I'm really proud of myself. Losing 50 pounds. I have basically more than 100 left to go, but YAY! Also, yesterday, school was cancelled because of rain (yes, in Tennessee, we cancel for rain instead of snow), so I got to work out in the morning instead of in the evening. It seemed a lot easier working out in the morning instead of the evening. I had A LOT more energy. I did my Week 3, Day 2 of Couch to 5 K... it's running in 3 minute intervals. I know to some/most that sounds easy, but for me IT'S NOT AT ALL. Saturday was the first time I tried to do it, and I wasn't even close. Yesterday, I was able to run all of the 3 minute intervals, and I didn't feel too tired... I didn't even check my watch every 2 seconds to see if the 3 minutes was up! That was a nice change, because sometimes it gets really frustrating when you're not meeting your goals or when things are not going as fast as you think they should.

The mind is really powerful. I'm realizing that both my eating habits and exercise habits are mostly (90%) controlled by my mind. Somedays, I don't feel like working out. Before this, when I didn't feel like it, I just wouldn't. But so far, I have forced myself to do my running and weights. Most days, I want CHOCOLATE and SALTY FOODS, and just anything that sounds remotely unhealthy...but so far, I haven't given in to those temptations. I haven't had a single french fry or fast food hamburger since I started this. That's huge in and of itself. I have only binged on sweets once since I started this. I want to get better about that, but overall, I'm really proud of that!

So my goals this next week:
Be at 265 at my next weigh in.
Complete each day of C25K and workout everyday between now and then.
Add 15 more minutes of cardio to this workout.
Meet my 1,500 calorie goal every day.
Have only 1 diet coke a day.

As I type these goals, I am thinking... those sound too easy. 3 weeks ago, most of them.... ALL OF THEM... would have been impossible. Now, they seem totally do-able. This part of the process is FUN. The other part of the process I'm excited about, is proving everyone that doesn't think I can do it WRONG.

Pizza, Pizza

I have an addiction to food. Obviously, or I probably wouldn't be 100 pounds overweight. But as I've started this weight loss journey, I am finally understanding how bad that addiction really is. Today at lunch, I had packed myself a healthy lunch for work (some soup and a chicken wrap). Instead, I had 3 THREE slices of Papa John's pizza. I justified it in my head because I hadn't eaten much today.... but that's no justification.

I'm sitting here wondering, "Will I ever get control over my mind and over myself? Will I ever lose weight? How much weight did I gain from those slices of pizza?"

Enough self-loathing. I can think about it and think about it, and probably convince myself that since I've already messed up today with the pizza, that I should just binge out on whatever I want and eat lots of crap.... but I refuse REFUSE to do that.

So I did my workout as usual. It was really hard. It's weird how one day the workout will be easy, and the next day... the same workout... EXHAUSTING. It was probably exhausting because I ate 3 slices of pizza. I did eat better that evening. IN FACT, I was running really late, so I picked up Chinese for my family... I LOVE CHINESE... but I didn't eat it. I ate a boring, plain chicken wrap... with low calories, YAY. So I recovered from the pizza overload.

I'm excited for my weigh in Thursday.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Rainy Days and Mondays....

It's RAINING RAINING RAINING. Seriously... I looked at the weather last night and the next 10 days? You guessed it... rain. Doesn't make for an excited or energized person, if you ask me. Oh and cold! I'm FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZING! Anyways, I don't even want to talk about the weekend. I take that back.. I will. I ate TERRIBLE! I did work out though! Actually, my husband wanted to take me out on a date... because with an 8 month old and a 5 year old, it never/rarely happens. SO, instead of going to dinner and a movie like usual, we went to the gym and spent 2 hours there. And guess what?! It was more fun than the movies!!! We talked, and laughed, and I sweated (A LOT)... and we ran and walked and lifted weights, and I sweated ( A LOT MORE). Then we relaxed in the steam room. Well, he relaxed, I felt like I was a little too confined and the steam blowing in my face brought on a slight panic attack. I RELAXED IN THE HOT TUB.. he joined me. And it was wonderful! Then we went out to eat. To Mexican. How do you eat healthy at a Mexican place??? I'm sure you can, and I hope one day I do. But I didn't that night. Nope. And Sunday night, I was tired, the kids were rowdy, Paul was hungry, and we had pizza. UGH.

So, needless to say... I ate terrible. I tried to be very conscientious the rest of the time and did pretty good. But I know I went over my calorie limit. We'll see on Thursday when I weigh. Also, on Sunday, I took off my first day of working out since we got our gym membership. Paul said I needed a day off to let my body recover. I felt bad not going.

So today, on rainy Monday, I have eaten really well. Oatmeal for breakfast, banana for snack, some soup and a chicken wrap for lunch. I have about 700 calories left, so I'm thinking a turkey burger and some veggies tonight. I'm also excited to get back to the gym. Tonight, I'm going to do the C25K program (I'm on Week 3, Day 1). It involves running 3 minute intervals, which sounds a lot longer than 90 seconds, so hopefully I won't DIE. Paul also showed me how to do some of the different weight machines, so I'm going to do that tonight. I hope to get a good 50 minute high intensity workout in.

My goals this week:
Be down to 270lbs. Finish week 3 of C25K and not feel like I'm going to hyperventilate/have a heart attack :). Not eat out once this entire week (because I'm realizing that's when I over do it in the calorie and unhealthy eating department). Limit my Diet Cokes to 1 a day. Meet my 1,500 calorie goal daily.

On a separate goal, I'm also going to try to measure myself and take pictures/load pictures if I remember and have time.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 1 (well really day 11)!!!

So today I'm starting my blog! I've been reading lots and lots of blogs... especially Runs for Cookies blog, and I've realized that blogging would be great! I also feel like even though I'm SUPER busy all the time, this is something I can do for myself and maybe help document my weight loss (I almost said "document my growth"... but "Growth" doesn't seem appropriate when I'm trying to "LOSE"). On January 1, 2013, I decided it's time. TIME TO LOSE THE WEIGHT. TIME TO LOVE MYSELF. TIME TO LEARN HOW TO FEEL SEXY. I will probably spend a whole post talking about my perception of myself, and about the way I think other people perceive me... but that can be for another time.

I haven't told anyone I'm writing a blog. I've only told a few that I'm trying to lose weight. I probably won't make this blog visible for a LONG time, but I want to document my journey. I know you're supposed to have a support group when doing things like this... but my family/close friends have heard it a million times... "I'm going to lose weight." And a million and one times, I have lost weight. 10 pounds here, 20 pounds there.. never more than about 30 pounds, but then I gain DOUBLE or even TRIPLE the amount I had lost. So, I don't blame my friends/family for not believing me. In the past, I haven't  believed myself. But it's happening, and I'm going to do it.

 My goal? Lose 100 pounds in 1 year. Is it possible? I've seen a lot of people do it! I hope to prove that YES it is possible! I know my blog says "28 and Losing Weight." I'm actually not 28, yet. I'll be 28 in May, but I liked the rhyming aspect of it... and I will be 28 and Losing Weight soon, so why not? I don't have a full plan yet. This started on the 1st of this year. My only plan was to lose weight at first, but slowly and surely I'm making new goals and coming up with an actual plan.

First, I'm reducing my calories to 1,800 calories a day. I track these calories through MyFitnessPal on my iPhone! YAY technology! :) So far, it probably hasn't been accurate. I was adding in my exercise stuff (which then gave me more calories)... and I wasn't measuring, I was guessing... which means I was eating WAY more than I was saying I ate. I plan to start measuring now and not logging my exercise stuff on that, so that I am truly only eating 1,800 calories. Hopefully I won't starve!!! I laugh at that statement, because of course I won't starve. But when I said 1,800 calories in my mind, my first thought was, "I'm going to die of starvation!" A little dramatic, I know.

Also, and this is the biggie for me. I plan on working out at least 6 days a week. So far, I have worked out EVERYDAY! Go me! Really... GO ME! That's something I've NEVER done... and I'm not going to lie, about every other day, I'm tired and SO SORE and I SO DON'T WANT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT WORKING OUT THAT DAY.. but I have, everyday, and I'm proud of that. I've also been RUNNING! That's something I've never done.... and I can't say I'm to the enjoyment part of running, but I hope one day I'll get there. I've been doing the C25K (couch to 5k) program on my phone. again... YAY technology :) It's made to have you prepping for a 5k, and it's a program that you do 3x a week. I'm doing it every day, though, and progressing to the harder weeks as it feels comfortable. Currently, I'm on W2D3 (week 2, day 3). It consists of: 5:00 warm-up, then alternate between :90 jogging and 2:00 walking for a total of 31 minutes. I walk at 3.2 or 3.4 mph, and I do the jogging at 5.0 mph. I don't know much about running, and plan on doing some research to see what speed I should be doing, how often, etc.

In regards to the running, I'm going to sign up for my first 5K, and I'm going to RUN it.. or jog... but hopefully RUN! I've never done a race, or run, or whatever it's supposed to be called... not even a walking one. So this is going to be BIG for me.. and I plan on bragging about it everywhere! I think I will try for one in May, and I would love to be a good 40-50lbs lighter by then.

So that's pretty much it. I would like to cut out Diet Cokes, I would like to cut out all sweets, I would like to get to the point where I'm eating all kinds of fruits and vegetables... but I'm not there yet. I have cut my DC's (diet cokes) down to 1 can a day, which is HUGE for me. I have also cut down my sweets.

Speaking of sweets... I baked a cake last night... the first dessert I've made since starting this weight loss journey. I ate a big piece. I said I wasn't going to eat a big piece, but I did. And I felt GROSS afterwards. Not just mentally either. Yes, I beat myself up for eating it, knowing I'd done good all day just to blow it that night, but I felt GROSS physically, which was something I hadn't felt in a while. For the last 11 days, I had been eating healthy, and lite (especially at night), and I hadn't even realized that I had been feeling so much better. I hadn't felt bloated, no stomach aches, and I felt a lot more energized. Well as soon as that yummy chocolate cake got into my system, I felt SO GROSS. I was terribly bloated, my stomach hurt, I had pent-up gas (like burping), and I was so so so tired! Maybe that's a good motivation to not eat anymore sweets like that. Earlier today, I thought about that cake sitting on my counter, and even imagined myself fixing a big piece when I got home, but about 10 minutes after those thoughts, I remembered how I felt last night, and that craving was OVER. So maybe, MAYBE I am making progress.

I still need to work out tonight, and I've got to figure out what to cook for dinner. I have about 1,000 calories left so I feel a little freedom there. Tomorrow morning, I have a birthday party to go to..... I will have to practice resistance, and tomorrow night, Paul wants to take me to Red Lobster on a date. This must be my weekend of tests. But I'm going to pass them. I'm going to lost the weight. I'm going to be a different woman, wife, and Mom at 28 years old!