Thursday, January 17, 2013

I've lost 50 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's official, on my Thursday Weigh Down, I have OFFICIALLY LOST 50 POUNDS! Grant it... probably 40 of those pounds was baby weight, but weight is weight, and I'm claiming it! I'm pretty excited, because there were a couple of days I wasn't sure I lost any weight this week! It's weird how your body feels/is.

I'm really proud of myself. Losing 50 pounds. I have basically more than 100 left to go, but YAY! Also, yesterday, school was cancelled because of rain (yes, in Tennessee, we cancel for rain instead of snow), so I got to work out in the morning instead of in the evening. It seemed a lot easier working out in the morning instead of the evening. I had A LOT more energy. I did my Week 3, Day 2 of Couch to 5 K... it's running in 3 minute intervals. I know to some/most that sounds easy, but for me IT'S NOT AT ALL. Saturday was the first time I tried to do it, and I wasn't even close. Yesterday, I was able to run all of the 3 minute intervals, and I didn't feel too tired... I didn't even check my watch every 2 seconds to see if the 3 minutes was up! That was a nice change, because sometimes it gets really frustrating when you're not meeting your goals or when things are not going as fast as you think they should.

The mind is really powerful. I'm realizing that both my eating habits and exercise habits are mostly (90%) controlled by my mind. Somedays, I don't feel like working out. Before this, when I didn't feel like it, I just wouldn't. But so far, I have forced myself to do my running and weights. Most days, I want CHOCOLATE and SALTY FOODS, and just anything that sounds remotely unhealthy...but so far, I haven't given in to those temptations. I haven't had a single french fry or fast food hamburger since I started this. That's huge in and of itself. I have only binged on sweets once since I started this. I want to get better about that, but overall, I'm really proud of that!

So my goals this next week:
Be at 265 at my next weigh in.
Complete each day of C25K and workout everyday between now and then.
Add 15 more minutes of cardio to this workout.
Meet my 1,500 calorie goal every day.
Have only 1 diet coke a day.

As I type these goals, I am thinking... those sound too easy. 3 weeks ago, most of them.... ALL OF THEM... would have been impossible. Now, they seem totally do-able. This part of the process is FUN. The other part of the process I'm excited about, is proving everyone that doesn't think I can do it WRONG.

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