Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Less than a week to next goal/ running stats make me smile

So I completed my first goal of running a 5k this past Sunday! You can read about that in my post from yesterday. This upcoming Sunday, Easter, is my next goal. I really hope I can mark it off the list. Last time I weighed, I have about 9lbs to lose, which I know is a lot this week, but I'm hopeful. It helps motivate me to stay on track, not cheat, and work out. I didn't run yesterday, but I hadn't planned to. I was pretty sore from the mostly uphill 5k Sunday, and I had a doctors appointment that left me with a lot of pain throughout the evening. I'm feeling better today, and plan to figure out a way to work in a run/work out tonight. It's raining right now, but hopefully it will clear up.

I think it's totally hilarious how the weather has been . During most of my training for the 5k, the temperature was around 50-55 degrees, with a nice breeze, and some clouds. Sunday, the temperature was 85 (the hottest it's been since October), no clouds, and zero breeze. TODAY, 2 days later, it's 45 degrees and raining. HAHAHAHA... I think nature (and God) had a good laugh at my suffering from the heat Sunday. Or maybe it was just a way to show me that I CAN do anything I set my mind to :)

Something else I'm proud about... in March, I ran a total of 19 miles throughout the month of March. We are halfway into April, and I've already passed that mark! I'd love to be somewhere near the 30-35 mile mark by the end of this month, which should be totally doable for sure. I'm still coming off the "high" from the 5k Sunday and feeling so good about things. Yesterday, I didn't really stick to my diet.... and I binged twice during the evening on candy. It was totally emotionally based, after having a huge fight with my husband, but I'm trying to teach myself that being upset is NO reason to eat and stuff my face with candy, chocolate, or whatever the temptation is at the time. I'm learning that I am going to have to find a new way to cope with stress, pains, worries, fights... aka EMOTIONS :) I'm hoping that as I continue, running will be that coping mechanism that will work to fight off the urge to binge eat.

OK so the best part of today.... I'm capitalizing this entire next part because I feel like screaming it from sheer excitement... KATIE AT RUNS FOR COOKIES NOT ONLY REPLIED PERSONALLY TO MY EMAIL OF QUESTIONS A FEW WEEKS AGO, BUT USED MY POST ABOUT MY 5K ON HER MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY BLOG POST!!!!! If you don't know who, or what I'm talking about...  her name is Katie, and well in my mind, she's a celebrity haha. Her blog was the main reason I started losing weight, blogging, and running. Seriously, though. I ran across her page through pinterest, of all places, about 2 years ago, and I've been addicted to absorbing everything she writes about ever since. The fact that she has time to respond to the zillions of questions I sent her about the 5k was AWESOME! And I'm super proud/excited/PROUD that I made it onto one of her posts. I sound like a psycho stalker fan... I know. So anyways, if you don't know what I'm talking about, and want to know... you can go HERE


  1. Thanks! I know that it's only typical to lose 1-3lbs per week, but I'm hoping that since I ate heavier last week because of the 5k, that cutting back this week, and increasing the water will help me get there, or as close to it as possible. I'm just DYING to get under 200 (which I know is a ways away!).It's so hard to not just want instant changes!
