Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I KNOW, I KNOW... I haven't been on here since THURSDAY! We had a long weekend (no work from Friday-Monday) because of President's Weekend. Oh the joys of being a teacher!!!! I did find out, though, that being home all day does not make it easy when trying to not eat JUNK and to not over-eat. Let's just say, Friday, Saturday, and let's face it, most of Sunday... I ate TERRIBLE!!! Friday and Sunday, I went over my allotted calories. Saturday, I was lucky because I ran so that helped account for the overage of calories I ate. It wasn't just that I went over my calories... I ate ridiculous stuff. Stuff that I knew I shouldn't eat.

But let's catch up on the week. Friday was a blur. I don't even remember most of what I did. I know I went to Subway with my Mom for lunch with all of the kids (4 all 5 and under). It was hectic, and I ate more than I should have. Then there was a basketball game that night that I had to work.. and my other worker's cancelled. So I didn't get to eat until around 8:30 PM and I picked up Wendy's.... fries, and a chicken sandwich. Those were the first french fries I've had since January 1. UGH!

Saturday, I did pretty good. It was REALLY COLD outside Saturday. I did a lot of cleaning around the house and trying to get some things organized for our BIG MOVE (we are moving within the next 4 months). That evening, Paul's parents invited us over for dinner. I was thankful for that because 1) I'm not used to her style of cooking, so I typically don't overeat, and 2) I didn't want to cook. :) The only problem was that I hadn't worked out since Wednesday and I KNEW I had to work out. I was really proud of myself. It was 30 degrees and VERY WINDY, but as soon as we got to Paul's parents, I ran the streets all around their house. I actually really enjoyed it. The streets didn't have too many hills, and it was a nice change of scenery. It's SO MUCH EASIER for me to run outside compared to on a treadmill. I didn't get in 3 miles, because it got dark, and the area they live in is a little scary once it's dark. I'm still amazed that I'm able to run at all, let alone 2-3 miles, fairly easily!

The hair is crazy because I had to wear the hoody super tight on my head because it was so cold!!!

I was really happy with this run. I maintained a 12 minute pace which is down 3 minutes from the pace I had been doing, and I burned 373 calories!!!!!! :)

Sunday, I didn't work out because I was tired, and I didn't have a lot of time that day. We had church, then lunch, then we looked at a house we are thinking about buying. Paul and Josh went to work out, so I had the kids. Then we went to my parents for dinner. I did good all day until I got there! She made this AMAZING stromboli and I also had a KAZILLION cookies! It was like I'd never had a cookie before. Oh well, that day is over. I did terrible, but I decided Monday would be better... AND IT WAS!

Monday, I was off again, so I spent most of the morning tagging my kids clothes for the consignment sale I sell their used stuff in. They were great yesterday morning and it was so sweet watching them. I have to share this little picture of how sweet they can be. Isabella made a pallet on her floor and read JD a book :)

Isn't that ADORABLE!!!!  Once we finished that, we left to go to the gym. I had both kids so I knew I was going to have to run on the stupid treadmill at the gym. I was dreading it. On the way there, my Dad invited Isabella over to help him in the yard, so I decided I would take her over there and try my hand at running with JD in his jogging stroller. 

It was HARDER than I expected it to be. Pushing him meant I couldn't move my arms, which made it difficult. Pushing him also made me slower... I tried to maintain the pace I've been keeping, but it wore me out so quickly. I was able to keep a 13 minute pace, but I was SO TIRED after 2 miles. It was also a lot more windy than I thought it was going to be! JD was great, but I was tired, cold, sore, and winded. 

It was not an enjoyable run. I was able to run 2 miles, and keep it under 30 minutes, so I was happy with that. I burned 365 calories, so that was GREAT!  There are some considerable inclines in their neighborhood and pushing JD added weight. So overall, I was satisfied with that... and a little nauseous. I didn't feel great after that run at all.... I felt like I was going to throw up. Thankfully, I didn't, and I got over that about an hour later. 

After I got done with the run, I chalked with Isabella and then we flew a kite!!!! It was so great to get to spend some time with my kids!!!!!

Yesterday, I also stayed under my calorie allotment!!! I feel like I was back on track yesterday, and I fully plan to stay on track today! One thing I do want to talk about really quick, is the realization that there are just some things that I'm not allowed to have in my house. Last week, I bought a package of the chocolate chip cookie dough that you just break off and put in the oven.

 I bought them because Paul loves them and I thought it would be nice treat to make for him and the kids one night. I bought them with the full intention of not giving in to the temptation. They sat in the fridge 2 days before I caved. Within 2 days, I had eaten 4 of the dough blocks (OVER 400 CALORIES!!!) I wish I had more control, but I don't! I did account for them in my calorie count and didn't allow it to put me over my calorie limit. That's the only positive. Besides that, I hate that I can't control myself when it comes to stuff like that. SO... sorry Paul and family, but no cookies for you. I threw the rest of the package away. I'm going to do whatever it takes to lose this weight, even if it means not buying that stuff until I can control myself. 

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