Friday, February 22, 2013

Sleep Deprived and Super Anxious

Here is a great example of the type of week I've had:
This morning, I drove to the Imaging Center to have the ultrasound done on my kidney. I walked in, gave her my name, and she said, "We don't have you scheduled." I said, "Yes you do.Today, February 25th and 9:AM". To which she replied, "Yes, we have you scheduled for that..... but today is the 22nd." THIS LITERALLY HAS BEEN WHAT MY WEEK HAS BEEN LIKE!

My students were terrible yesterday. TERRIBLE! I watched one student draw on my wall, and when I said something to him in front of the class, he told me he wasn't drawing on my wall... he was tracing a drawing that was already there (this is a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, mind you). When I pressed the issue, he said to me... and I quote... "I didn't draw on your wall, so this conversation is over." Who's the teacher?!?! I let him have it, which is not my personality, so I got very anxious, queasy, and let's face it... shaky. I hate that I'm like that.. but I hate confrontation. I also hate that a lot of kids these days don't know anything about respect. 

ANYWAYS... soon after that, I found out that I didn't get the teaching job I really wanted next year. And on top of it, the lady didn't even have the decency to call and tell me... I had to find out online. So now... I have to start doing other interviews with schools I didn't really want. I assume that God has a bigger plan for me, but I hate rejection and I hate when plans don't go as planned (it's always been a personal problem I struggle with). 

The only exciting thing... was that we made an offer on a house that we love last night. I'm praying and praying we get it. It's a short sale (pre-forclosure), so the decision will be made quickly.. but there are 3 other offers on it as well. So who knows. I REALLY WANT IT THOUGH! I'm nervous, excited, and anxious. I was up doing all the paperwork until almost 11 last night because my scanner was being a PAIN

OH, one more thing. JD is teething again, I think. Last night, he went to bed at 10 (normally at 8). At 11:30 (15 minutes after I laid down), he started crying and wouldn't stop. So I nursed him. He slept until 1 ish and then was up crying/fussing/biting everything in sight from 1 until 2:45. I had tried everything (including letting him scream for 30 minutes which is hard because he shares a room with Isabella). At 2:45 I finally put him in his swing, turned on cartoons, and went to bed. He fell asleep about 5 minutes after that. Apparently, while I was asleep, Isabella got up, heard the cartoons, and laid on the couch to watch them. At 3:30 (45 minutes after I laid down.. I was DEAD ASLEEP TOO)... she literally comes SCREAMING into our room saying the TV is going crazy and scaring her... she was hysterical. (She had sat the on the remote accidentally and it changed the channel to a channel that didn't have a signal so it was making a very loud, distorted noise). Her screaming woke both Paul, myself, and JD up in a frenzy. So JD was crying. I dealt with him for 30 more minutes, and at 4 AM, FINALLY laid down for more than 30 minutes and got a good 2 and a half hours of sleep in. So I'm tired! I'm anxious about this house! Oh one more thing.. JD has a doctor's appointment today after work.. and is getting shots. LOL I think God is laughing up in the sky at me right now ;) 

OK this is supposed to be about weightloss. I haven't eaten much of anything today, because I've been too busy. I forgot my water jug at home, so I haven't had any water either. So my calories are definitely fine. I really plan on running tonight... I'll probably have to wait until Paul gets home, and hopefully he'll be willing to watch the kids. It's been 4 day since I've ran. I have to force myself to do it tonight!I also forgot to set out the meat for dinner... I thought about it all morning until I actually got into the kitchen.'s your day been?!

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