Tuesday, February 12, 2013


So when I started this weight loss journey at the beginning of January, I was working out everyday for an hour. Literally, EVERY DAY. The last 2 weeks, I've been lucky to workout 4 out of 7 days. It gets in my head, because I know I'd be losing weight faster if I worked out everyday. But this morning, I realized that it's not just because I'm being lazy! It's because at the beginning of January, I was off for Christmas break (I'm a teacher). Now that I'm back at work, some days it's just nearly impossible... between work, my kids, and other obligations. So I'm going to shoot for a goal of 4-5 days of week. Paul and I both agree that working out on Saturdays/Sundays is a no brainer because even if the kids aren't behaving, we can take turns. So I just need to focus on getting in 2-3 more days. Wednesdays are good for me too, so really it's 2 more days... when I break it down like that, it sounds a lot easier!

I've stayed on my calorie count since Friday!!!!!! Staying between 1600 and 1800 calories!!!! I even ate one of my favorites last night! CHICKEN CASSEROLE!!!!! MMMMMM. One serving of it was 320 calories, but it was worth every single calories. I only had 2 bites of brown rice, and piled up on the broccoli, so overall it wasn't that bad of a dinner. I have been feeling like I don't have time for both my kids. I feel like I'm either dealing with JD and neglecting Isabella, or playing with Isabella and neglecting JD. In about 2 years, it won't be nearly as bad because they'll both be old enough to at least semi do the same activities. Anyways, I was feeling bad about it yesterday, so I let Isabella help me make the chicken casserole (it's her favorite meal). She did great and I'm so glad I included her!!

Paul went on and on about it tonight, how it was better than normal. She was very proud to tell him that she made most of it so that's why it tasted so much better ;) It was good. Sometimes I don't put enough salt and pepper in it, but this time, I think I did! 

This morning, my Mom told me she could tell that I'm losing weight! It's the first person that's acknowledged it! I can tell too! The sweater that I'm wearing today felt a lot looser! Also, this morning, I did something different for breakfast. I had been eating a candy bar, or granola bar, or something on the go that was semi-low in calories but not good or sustaining at all. Today, I went to subway right by my house on the way to work and picked up a "Mini Black Forest Ham, Egg White, and Cheese Flatbread" It was SO GOOD and only 180 calories!!! I know I can't do that everyday because I don't want to spend the money ($2.25)... but I'm glad I did it this morning. It showed me that it was less calories than what I had been eating, and I haven't felt nearly as hungry the hour before lunch! So I just need to come up with my own version to make ahead and freeze. Then I could bring it to school, and warm it up for breakfast. I'm going to try to do that sometime this week. 

Tonight, I have no idea what I'm cooking for dinner. I forgot to set out meat, and I forget to look at the menu. I have something planned but I don't know what. It helps when I know so that I can save however many calories I need for the meal. 

Today, I'm going to more than likely have to work out at the Rush... which I dread because the treadmill is SO MUCH harder than running outside. My goal is to do another full 3 miles on the treadmill. The most I've done is a mile and a half. So, that's my goal tonight. It should take about 43-45 minutes, and then I'll do arms/chest on the weights. I hope my kids behave for the hour it will take. 

I made banana pudding Sunday and it's SO YUMMY!!!! I don't think it's that terribly bad because I used sugar free everything.. but my other goal is to not have any of that today. Not even a lick! :) I'm excited for my weigh-in Wednesday. Wouldn't it be cool if I could lose 6 pounds and be under 260lbs?! My goal is to lose... but 6lbs would be AWESOME!. 

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