Thursday, March 20, 2014

11 pounds down... 14 more to go by goal date!

Well I weighed in this morning, and I've lost 4 more pounds since last week!!! WOOO! I figured it wouldn't be as much of a loss as the first week because the first week was such a shock to my system. But I am very happy with 4lbs lost! I want to be at 260 by Easter, so I have 4 weeks to lose 14 more pounds. That's about 3 pounds a week, which I think is VERY doable! I also hope that I can fit into one of my old Easter dresses (size 20) by then!!!

Paul and I ran on Monday, then I had volleyball Tuesday. Wednesday is too busy for us to do anything because I have choir practice and Bella has church/piano, so we didn't get to work out at all yesterday. Tonight, our plan is to run 2 miles! The most we've done so far is 1.5. In my head, that extra .5 doesn't seem like anything... but I know that when I start running, it will seem like a whole lot! Our 5K is quickly approaching... 3 weeks away!

Everyday, at some point, I start feeling kind of bad... or depressed... for lack of better word, that I'm not losing weight faster. I know, logically, that I'm losing really well and that it will take time, and that if I keep losing 3-4lbs a week, I would be at my goal weight way before the end of the year... but on the day to day basis, it's hard to remember that. I want to be skinny now! Even though I know that I didn't gain the weight overnight, so I'm not going to lose the weight overnight. It's just a constant battle in my head and with my emotions!

One positive, is that clothes that haven't fit in 3-4 years are already starting to fit, even after only losing 11 pounds! I didn't expect that, and it's nice to pull stuff out of bags that I haven't been able to wear since before being pregnant with JD and being able to wear them. That helps keep me motivated. I've never been able to shop in regular size clothes (since I can remember... even early high school)... I've always had to shop in plus size (which is super expensive with slim pickings). So I'm excited for the day when I get to shop in the normal size clothes and save lots of money!!!: )

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