Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2 pounds... feeling slightly discouraged

So today was weigh in day, and I'm pretty bummed. I lost two pounds... but I was feeling like it would be in the 4-5 pound range. I know that it's silly to be bummed about losing two pounds because for a week, that's good!... but I'm bummed. I feel like I'm working so hard and the weight is coming off SO SLOWLY! I  know, I know - it didn't all get put on over night and it's going to take a long time (if I do it the healthy way). I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing something so AMAZING and GREAT for myself and that the weight will come off and I will be healthy! It's just hard when there aren't big number changes every week.

Last night, was volleyball night. I played for 2 and half hours and I was WORN out, and also very sore! My legs, feet, ankles, knees... all of them.... hurt. It's weird, I'm not nearly as sore when I run, but when I play volleyball, I'm super sore. I think it's because the movements are so different, not consistent, and way more aggressive. I had a great time though! I'm so thankful to have been invited to that group by Amy because I really don't have any socialization time or girlfriends to hang with. It's always just me and the kids (and Paul when he's off work).

I need to run today. It's really, really cold outside (especially for Tennessee)... 20 degrees... and it SNOWED yesterday! It's almost April... and last week temperatures were in the 70's! Next week, the temperatures are supposed to be warm again, and it's Spring Break!!! So I'm hoping to get in a lot of good workouts next week. Tonight, I guess I'll have to run at the Rush. I haven't been there in SO long! I've been enjoying running outside with Paul and the kids. Hopefully, I'll find a time to run tonight. I'd really like to do 2.5 miles tonight... I hope! I just want to keep losing weight and stick to my goals. Some moments, it's so much harder than others. Right now, I'm feeling the struggle and frustration of my body not changing overnight, but I KNOW I can do it!!!!!

I have 3 and half more weeks to go until Easter (my first weightloss goal), and I have 12 more pounds to lose. that's 4 pounds a week, which seems super lofty after only losing 2 lbs this week, but that's my goal and I'm not changing it!

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