Monday, March 24, 2014

Weekend Update

Monday seems like it gets here SO fast! It's like the weekend is just a blur. I always have a list of a zillion things I want to get done... and I always get done about 1 (maybe) thing on that list. This weekend was no different, but we had some fun as a family so it was worth it! Friday night, when Paul got off work, we went down to his parents and dropped the kids off. He wanted us to run together (this is the first time we've done that). We decided to go to the Battlefield (it's a national park where the Chickamauga Battle took place). He also decided we would do a trail instead of just run the street. At first, it wasn't terrible... the trail was smooth. In randomly had some pretty big inclines, but it was smooth. It was hard for me, though, because I was VERY conscious of Paul being there. Silly things... like I didn't want him to hear me breathing loud/hard, so I'd try to breathe really quietly, which made me hold my breath and get my breathing completely out of whack.... which then made me winded WAY before I normally am. Also, I didn't wear headphones and listen to music. That helps me SO much because I can zone in on the music and forget about being tired/sore/going slow etc. I told him that at the race, I'm going to have to wear headphones because then I won't worry about my breathing loud and I can focus better. The trail also got really difficult... huge rocks, very muddy. We made it 2 miles jogging, but it wasn't easy or fun. And my feet got blisters because I kept running on new areas of my foot trying to dodge big rocks, sticks, and other debris. I don't ever want to do that again. It was pretty... but hard... and not hard in a good workout way, just hard like I never wanted to run again after that. I don't want to get discouraged. I DID stay on my diet plan though, so that's a positive!

Saturday, we went to the Knoxville Zoo as a family!!! It was SO much fun! Josh went, and I think he even had a good time! Bella fed a giraffe and got to see zebras (her favorite animal... today anyways haha). We did a lot of walking and the kids really behaved. I'm glad they did well because that gave us a good indication of how Disney World is going to be. Also... I wore a shirt that I haven't been able to wear in 3 years!! It was a little tight, but it's getting there! And I'm proud!

Once we got home, we all slept. I told Paul I didn't want to run Saturday because my feet hurt from Friday and I was tired from the walking. Once every napped, he encouraged me that we should go to the park and both run (where one takes care of the kids, the other one runs and then vice verse). So, he dropped me off at the starting point and drove to the playground at the end. I ran 2.2 miles! I stopped once for about a minute to breathe, but other than that, I did it! When I got to the end, he decided he was tired and not feeling great (haha) so he didn't run! SLACKER :) But I'm proud that I did it, and that I didn't take the day off like I had planned. 

Sunday is always busy with church and those responsibilities. I did REALLY bad on the Atkins diet. I didn't over eat like I normally would, but I didn't eat what I was supposed to. The only thing I'm proud of is after dinner (at 6:30) I really wanted a bar or shake the rest of the night because I wanted something sweet. I even felt pretty hungry at one point... but I didn't eat anything else after dinner, and went to bed a little hungry! Normally, I would've eaten like 5 more things. 

Hopefully this upcoming week, I will stay on plan everyday. I also hope that I will run at least 5 of the 7 days, and that I will be a doing at least 2.5 miles each run! The 5K is coming up soon and I just want to make sure I can do it without stopping! I have about a month until Easter, so I still have 14 lbs to lose to reach my goal by Easter!

One final picture.. .Paul BUZZED Wyatt's hair yesterday!!! At 5 months old! I had already cut it twice, but it was still so bad looking, and Paul begged, so I let him. It looks pretty cute though :) 

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