Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2 Days Down... I'M A CONQUEROR!

So I've completed 2 days of the Atkins diet, and it hasn't been bad at all! I thought I would just die, but I've only felt hungry 2-3x the last two days, and it was easily remedied with either an Atkins advantage bar (which is like a candy bar) or some tuna or meat. I'm not going to lie, I've weighed myself both days.... and it's been EXCITING to see results! I'm not going to share the results until I do my official weigh in on Monday... but it's so nice to see numbers changing!

I've worked hard the last two days to be very careful about what I eat. I've even eaten completely different dinners than my family, which is a HUGE change. The biggest change is that I haven't had a candy bar (normally I have 3-4 ...embarrassing) the last 2 days, and I haven't had any bread, crackers, sweets, or fruit. I know that fruit isn't bad for you, but during this phase, it's not allowed. I also haven't had fast food (fries, burgers, etc). I realized this morning, when I woke up that I also haven't had a diet coke in 2 DAYS! Normally I have 2-3 a day. That wasn't really a goal of mine, but I guess that's what happens when you eat at home, instead of eating out.

The other big thing is I've gotten in some form of exercising both days! Monday, as I wrote about yesterday, I worked out at the gym (mostly jogging). Last night, my friend Amy invited me to a volleyball group she plays with. I almost didn't go (I get really nervous about groups of new people/activities)... but I forced myself... and I'm SO GLAD I went! It was a great way to get in almost 2 hours of exercise, and it was so nice to meet some new people! They play every Tuesday, so I'm hoping to get to go to that at least 2x a month.

Today (Wednesday) is my and Paul's 3 year anniversary!!! Sometimes, I can't believe we have made it 3 years! All of the odds were against us, but we are committed and sometimes that's more important than anything else... to honor the commitment. I love him so much... even though we have had some major hard times. In the last 3 years of marriage, I graduated college, started my first full time teaching job, Paul adopted Isabella, Josh graduated high school, we had two new baby boys, and we bought our first home. WOW! That's a lot to go through during the first years of marriage... but we have and I'm proud to say that most of the time we've done it with greatness! I told him I'm hoping for a non-life changing event year in our marriage.. but now thinking about it... I'm not hoping that at all. I'm hoping to lose 100lbs this year, which to me is a MAJOR LIFE CHANGING EVENT! So here's to that life changing event this year!

Today, I'm going to force myself to sit down and find a 5K to run in April, so I can mark a goal off my goal list. It makes me so nervous, because I'm still so overweight, and I'm not a runner. I don't want to show up and people look at me like I'm the big fatso trying to run a 5K with all these runners. I also get nervous in large crowds. So I just need to pay the money, and suck up the fears, and DO IT! I think I will be proud of myself once it's done, and I think it will help me be more consistent in my working out/running.

Here's my breakdown for eating yesterday:
Breakfast - GNC Lean Chocolate Protein Shake
Snack - Atkins Advantage Chocolate Caramel Nut Log
Lunch - Grilled chicken salad (lettuce, grilled chicken, shredded cheddar, carrots, ranch dressing)
Snack - Atkins Advantage Chocolate Caramel Nut Log
Dinner - pork shoulder roast - leftover (basically shredded BBQ pork w/out the sauce) and green beans

and a butt load of water, and 1 cup of coffee :)

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